Thomas Edison Intellectual Property Can Work for You

Edison on the Walk of Fame

Edison on the Walk of Fame

Would you be interested in advertising just how entrepreneurial your company is, linking it to the most famous inventor/entrepreneur of all time; someone whose light bulb invention itself is the very symbol of a bright new idea? You can use Thomas Edison images to turbo-charge your sales and advertising. You can afford to do this.

Edison on a Chick-fil-A Commercial

Edison on a Chick-fil-A Commercial

Edison Intellectual Property [ “I.P.” ] has been licensed and used all over the world. It has promoted many things, including the popular educational paradigm known as STEM. Thomas Edison is perceived as “smart” and “entrepreneurial” so his name is selected for marketing innovative and disruptive new products. The world’s greatest inventor lives on not only in his inspiration to future generations, but also in his linkage to popular culture and advertising.

Edison IP has been most recently used by the world’s premier electronic company, Intel. Their microchip designed to facilitate rapid prototyping by budding entrepreneurs has been named the Intel-Edison compute chip; and can be seen at the end of this post.

Other examples of I.P. use include:

  • International car manufacturers, both for gasoline and electric vehicles
  • Korean electronic maker; and an industrial company
  • Japanese Patent Office
  • Wall Street Brokerage
  • Edison Nation
  • European pharmaceutical company
  • Large software company
  • Commercial for a personal hygiene product
  • Electric lighting product company

They all licensed Thomas Edison’s name and image for use in advertising their products and services.

“Edison’s Desk“ is a trademark and a symbol of innovation for licensing

“Edison’s Desk“ is a trademark and a symbol of innovation for licensing

The cost for an I.P. license is dependent on numerous factors including Geography (national or worldwide), Time Period (6 months to a year or more), Media (print, TV or Internet) and Size of Audience (“eyeballs”).

To learn more, check us out at, and for assistance in learning how you can use Edison I.P. , contact:

John P. Keegan
Chairman & President
Charles Edison Fund / Edison Innovation Foundation

Thomas Edison said, “If we all did the things we are really capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves …”

Left: Intel-Edison module now available world-wide for developers. Right: The “Tommy” award given by the Edison Innovation Foundation.


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